About Us

The Bharat12.com is the information provider website which is recently designed by the author of this website. After Built up this website, our aim to provide the latest, fresh and accurate information to our website readers/visitors. Our all team members are very work heard and collect the new blog for all of you. 

Here on Bharat 12 we are trying to provide every trending news, articles, recruitment, schemes information here. Apart from above topic we also trying to provide you the details related to the entertainment like concert, Events, Movies Tickets Booking, Auditions etc.

You can easily read all the content of your search topic here in the easiest languages. The Website update the article in both English and Hindi Language. We always provide our best services to our readers, so that the information must be helpful to you.

About Us

About Us – Team Members

Saanvika SharmaShe is very hear working and working with this website. She is Editor in Chief and Co Founder of this website. 
Swastika Sharma She is also blogger and working as writer of this website and collect almost all content of this website. 
Megha Sharma She is Social Media handle of this website. 

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