Al Ain Vs Al Nasr Tickets 11 March 2024 FC Price

The AFC Champions League Quarter Final of AL Nassr FC Vs Al Ain FC is going to be held on the 11th and 12th of March 2024. That is on Monday. All the people who want to attend this match have to buy Al Ain Vs Al Nasr Tickets Online. Here the complete details about the Al Ain Vs Al Nassar tickets price also going to be mentioned. This upcoming match is going to be played at Al Awwal Park Stadium Located Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. The match starting timing is from 10 pm as per the local time.

Now all the people who want to witness this match want to watch a very good battle between both of the teams, then they have to book their tickets as soon as possible. Because the Al Ain Vs Al Nasr Tickets are in very high Demand. So first come and first Get. The tickets can be booked through the online platform and the offline mode. You can read the whole article given below. 

Al Ain Vs Al Nasr Tickets

Al Nassr FC is related to the football club which was established in 1955 in Riyadh which belongs to Saudi Arabia. Now this is working as a passional league of the same area. In the 2022 World Cup this football club also signed the Cristiano Ronaldo with their team. Now this football club hosts Al Nassar FC and Al Ain FC they all want to know How to get the tickets on sale and what is the Tickets Price of the Matches. These are all very amazing matches and if you want to buy the tickets, then you must have to hurry about it before they sell out of the tickets.

Al Ain Vs Al Nasr Tickets 11 March 2024

The easiest way to buy the tickets for the Al Ain Vs Al Nasr Tickers is through online mode. There are so many platforms that distribute online tickets to fans. You can also buy the season pass or the tickets for all the seasons. You have to sign up on the portal to get the tickets. The competition to buy the tickets increases day by day.

Apart from that if you already have the tickets or the season pass and you don’t want to sell the same, then you can also sell the same online. 

Overview of Al Ain Vs Al Nassar Tickets

Matches TeamsAL Nassar FC Vs Al Ain FC 
StadiumAL AWAL Park Stadium 
Venue Location of StadiumRiyadh in Saudi Arabia 
Date of Match11th March 2024 
Starting Time10 pm 
Information GivenAl Ain Vs Al Nasr Tickets

Al Ain Vs Al Nasr Tickets Price

So at the time of buying the tickets, you also have to pay the ticket price as per the reservation of your tickets. You can buy the tickets through the official as well as authorized portal. 

Category of Tickets Tickets Price
Short side Starting from 90
Long Side Starting From 155
VIP Gold Starting From 555
Platinum Starting From 975

Al Ain FC Vs Al Nasr FC Tickets Online Booking

  • When the Al Ain FC Vs Al Nasr FC Tickets are on sale, then you can buy the tickets.
  • For that, you have to buy the match tickets and season pass to watch the match.
  • For that reason, you need to visit the official website of the stadium, the Football Club online portal you have to sign up on the account.
  • After signing up, you need to log in to your account.
  • Here you have to select the Al Ain FC Vs Al Nasr FC Tickets Match and then also have to check the tickets as per the category.
  • Then add the number of tickets to your card and check all the details.
  • Check the final payment and then pay the same amount through your credit card and debit card.
  • This is very easy to get online tickets. 
  • After purchasing the tickets online you will get a confirmation message through the email.
  • Book Tickets Online from the Official website:-

Step To Sell My Al Ain FC Vs Al Nasr Tickets or Season Pass?

  • To resell your match tickets or season passes, then you again have to log in to your account.
  • Again have to choose the match category.
  • Enter the complete details and list your tickets and ticket prices.
  • Then sell your tickets and don’t leave your seat empty inside the stadium.

Related:- AL Nassr Vs Al Ain Tickets


What is the Al Ain Vs Al Nasr Match venue Location?

This match is conducted in Al Awwal Park Stadium Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. 

What is the Al Ain Vs Al Nasr Tickets Match Date?

This Match is scheduled for 11th March 2024 on Monday. 

What is meant by Al Nassr FC?

So this is Football Club which was established in 1955.

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